This is another one of those, 'if you don't sew, look away now' posts.
Machine with its integral flatbed, which I rarely use as is too small. |
One of my dreams (well, one of the very many, along with Brad Pitt knocking on my bedroom door and Godiva asking me to be their official chocolate taster), has been to own a flat bed sewing table. If you don't know what that is, it is a table that your sewing machine drops down into (usually by some sort of lifting device (see, I'm really technical today).
You might ask why I would need one. Come on, someone ask, I feel like I'm alone here! Well the simple answer is, the type of quilting I prefer (free motion), needs the quilt to be moved in all directions, at a regular pace. That isn't easy at the best of times with a large quilt, but when trying to sew on the very small bed of a sewing machine, it can be very difficult to achieve, as you have more of the quilt to support as you sew. Now a quilt may not feel heavy to you, but believe me, when you have to hold that weight, with your arms at a certain angle, and then move it around in a fluid movement, it becomes very heavy, very quickly. An extended flatbed supports more of the quilt. Simply put, it becomes less tiring on your neck and shoulders, and the quilt is easier to move.