I think it fair to say that IKEA was not in my best books this week. I bought this table because the trestle legs (purchased as a separate item) allow you to easily raise and lower the table and tilt it at an angle. For some bizarre reason however, the trestles do not actually connect to any of the table tops they sell, as indicated in the instructions. To cut a long moan short (yes I can if I want!), I searched the internet and managed to find someone who had had the same problem (and probably like me, didn't own a drill to make some holes in the table top). Apparently in the UK, IKEA secures this top with velcro! So armed with my staple gun and a load of velcro, I have done the same thing. It remains to be seen whether I end up with broken toes, if when I tilt the table, the whole thing falls on my foot!