Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Quilting Arts Magazine - huh?

I admit I have a love/hate relationship with Interweave the publishers of Quilting Arts, but come on, anyone would have to laugh at this.  How can a digital edition of a magazine be out of stock?

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

DVD & Book Reviews: Fabric Photo Play by Julia C. Wood & Making Faces with Maria Elkins

I got lots of great feedback on my portrait quilt of my friend John and requests for more information on the subject.

John's quilt is the third quilt I have made using the method described in the book Fabric Photo Play by Julia C Wood.  I am not sure where it is available for purchase now, but I am pretty sure if you contact the author she will be able to direct you.  It is published by AQS and at the time I purchased it, cost $20.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Text hell

HIs there anyone out there who hasn't sent stupid nonsensical texts?  Alan once told me to stop texting him unless I proof read them first as most of them made no sense at all.  For a bit of a laugh, you should check out these texts that were not proof read by their writers before being sent to the recipient.

Sunday, 12 January 2014


As luck would have it, my trip to the Crafts Museum in Delhi, co-incided with an exhibition of kantha textiles from Murshidabad, West Bengal.  I had never heard of kanthas before, but it soon became clear that they were a form of quilt.