Something strange has been going on in our bed. Well, I mean something stranger than normal of course! Over the last couple of weeks, strange red makes started appearing on Alan's pillowcases and on the sheet on his side of the bed. Initially I thought I had left some newly dyed pieces of fabric in the washing machine, but there were no rogue piece in there. The marks were also quite regular, a sort of horseshoe shape.
Initially I blamed a rather nasty shaving gash on Alan's face, but as the marks kept reappearing, seemingly multiplying overnight, we knew that couldn't be the answer. Also the marks wouldn't wash out, even with bleach.I kept changing the pillowcases but the marks reappeared every morning when we got up. Unusually it was Alan who started to get a bit creeped out by this, saying he had crop circles on his pillowcases.
However, this morning he came to me shouting "Eureka!". Yep, Alan had solved the crop circle mystery which was threatening to become our own X-File. Guess what it was...