One of the truly wonderful things about having your own blog when you are married, is that you win every argument, simply by screaming 'I'll post that on my blog', every time he really annoys you. Actually, I post things about Alan just because I can!
Some postings back,
Alan wrote a comment about a hat I was wearing, calling me something like a '1980s fashion victim who looked like she had just stepped off the stage at the London Palladium'! Okay, even for my legendary good humour, that was pushing it just a tad too far. It was then exacerbated by my cousin telling my uncle that I had dubious taste in clothing because of the yellow outfit I wore in the
Deliverance video. My uncle only added to the insults by telling his son for some reason that the outfit was my pyjamas!
So here and now, and with this picture I scotch several myths floating around at the moment.
- He calls ME a fashion victim? Even in Benin that outfit stood out! Come on, I ask you? Which is worse, me in the hat or Alan in his Benin outfit? No I DIDN'T say funniest.
- This outfit does not belong to me as evidenced by the photo of Alan wearing it in the tailor's market shop.
- I don't wear pyjamas, but if I did, would I be likely to wear a pair that would actually glow in the dark? No, this is Alan's outfit and it is NOT pyjamas.
Yes I know exactly what you want to know. Has he ever worn them outside the house? Actually he wears it most days to work, along with a Mobutu style leopardskin hat. As I said, my blog and I can say what I like, it doesn't have to be the truth you know!