Thursday, 22 November 2012

Quilting Arts, Interweave and subscription hell

I want to say right out front that I am a big fan of the magazine Quilting Arts, and have purchased it whenever I could find it.  For a few years I was able to buy it from the bookstore here in Bangkok, but I had to be quick as at THB595 ($19.39/£12.14) for a $7.99 magazine, I wanted a copy that had not been well thumbed by half of Bangkok first.  Yes it was quite a hefty mark up, but I loved reading the magazine and thought it worth it, to keep up on latest trends etc.

In addition to the magazine, I have also purchased many DVDs from Interweave (the publisher of Quilting Arts), which I had shipped to friends in the US.  They either hand carried them back for me, or I collected them when I went to the US.  I have also bought Quilting Arts books and other magazines produced by Interweave.  I guess you can say I am a big fan of their products.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Embroidery for Beginners

Have you missed me?  No?  Okay then, I'll just crawl back into a corner and lick my wounded ego.  I think I have been suffering from Bloggers Block.  Yes it is a medical condition but it has absolutely nothing to do with bowels.  I just couldn't get around to taking up my virtual pen and writing again.  

Of course life sometimes conspires against me (and my blogging).  I spent a month on a fantastic holiday in the US (I just can't wait to go again!).  As you can see, I did a little bit of shopping whilst there, just to get my creative juices going again.