Of course life sometimes conspires against me (and my blogging). I spent a month on a fantastic holiday in the US (I just can't wait to go again!). As you can see, I did a little bit of shopping whilst there, just to get my creative juices going again.

Once back home, I spent a week trying to reorientate myself to the craziness of Bangkok again.
Boy did this lady spell out crazy! I bet Ginger Spice NEVER looked as sexy in her Union Jack dress! I think the young girl next to her is trying to hold the laughter in, as Crazy Spice gives her a few fashion tips.

The surgery was a bit more severe than had been expected, but he came through it well. They very kindly asked me to stitch him up. A quilting stitch here, an embroidery one there and voila!

The first project involved learning some different embroidery stitches and how they are constructed. Silly me thought we would work a sort of sampler of stitches, but instead she had the idea of a Russian doll, worked on cotton. Well this really is not my sort of thing at all, but... Personally I would just have preferred rows of designs as I think this looks really stupid, but some of the students were really good at turning what in my case looked like a bit of rag, into quite a mini masterpiece. I didn't bother finishing mine, as I knew it was destined for a box like object that resides under my desk!

Again there were people who created amazing, shiny and very bejewelled pieces of work. I should say that the class was made up of both people who sewed as a hobby, and those who had or were looking for, a career that involved sewing. There were more than a few fashion students.

We were given another outline that we transferred onto silk and then embroidered along. Like the other projects, I didn't finish this either (you can still see some of the marks where other bits of embroidery were to go). I found this the hardest technique to feel comfortable with, but I think it was just a case of needing to go home and work it at my own pace.
I could see how one could get caught up with all these pretty bits of silk ribbon, making lots of different types of flowers, but again, I don't see a huge application for the way I work.

Maybe it is well that we don't spend a lot of time labouring over something that will probably never truly be appreciated, except by a few.
During the course, there were plenty of little tips picked up from the teacher that I found hugely useful:
- How to properly tie a knot in one's embroidery thread (hold the needle in your left hand, fold the tail end of the thread across the needle and hold in place with the left hand, wrap the other end of the thread around the needle twice with the right hand and pull the needle up through that little bundle, whilst holding the bundle secure with the left hand)
- how to correctly remove embroidery threads from their skeins (hold the smaller ring of paper wrapped around the skein and pull down through the larger ring)
- How to measure the correct length of embroidery/sewing thread (the length between your extended hand and your elbow)
- why your embroidery thread gets tangled (too long thread and humidity, which makes thread tangle easily, I guess like hair)
Okay, these may sound like small potatoes to you, but these little bits of knowledge can be really useful.
The best bit about the class however, were all the lovely interesting women that I met and hope to meet up with again.
Now, if anyone would like an embroidered head rest for their chair, complete with sequins, look no further!
The best bit about the class however, were all the lovely interesting women that I met and hope to meet up with again.
Now, if anyone would like an embroidered head rest for their chair, complete with sequins, look no further!
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