Sunday 1 January 2012

A Frustrating Afternoon

The afternoon started out well enough.  I played around with the centre rocks until I found a combination that I liked.

The near side grass became a real problem.  I wanted the eye to be carried into the picture, so had chosen a soft green.  It didn't look right as I put it on, but I just kept adding different shades of green in the hope of livening up the grass.  Alan came in, took one look and said, that it looked fake.  He immediately braced himself for the 'well what do you know' retort, but for the ONLY time this year, I will admit he is right about something, and that is the awful grass.
You can see how I tried not to have to do the inevitable, by livening up the grass with some of the green I had used in the other sections. It looks better, but still wrong.  I gave up and decided to fiddle with the shadows.  First I worked out the shadow angle, and tried to keep that consistent.
I cut some holes in the main tree shadow (netting).  I have decided now to remove the bottom grass.  I may well just cut that section out altogether, though I am also thinking about using the same vivid green as under the tree.

Well, it looks like this quilt is going to take a tad longer than I had anticipated.

1 comment:

  1. Because the grass is closest to us, it needs to be brighter, bigger ie able to see more detail. you could perhaps use what you've got as background then put on some bigger blades of grass and perhaps slightly to the left of the rock a big patch of big blades or a plant that would lead our eye first to the rocks then to the path going back - or to the right of the rock, not the middle with the blades/plant flowers/buds leaning towards the rock so that eye goes back in a curve. i will send you an image of something like a Durer plants study - you know long strandy things
