Monday 12 December 2011

Norah Has A Sleepover

Part XI of The Battys.

Against my better judgement, I gave in to Norah's whine about not liking sleeping alone.  
Norah said she feels lonely by herself, but I had to tell her straight, I was not getting into bed with her.  All that plastic and my hormones (or lack of), definitely not a good mix!  I chose to ignore the pleading look she shot Alan, and he knew better than to give in to her batting eyelashes.  Finally I told her to just invite Little Red and Blondie over.  Ever feel like you have been manipulated?

So, last night, after they had a night out at a bar on Soi Cowboy, the three of them stumbled home, drunk as skunks, AND with a couple of hotties in tow.  I sent the girls to bed, and being a great hostess, I gave the hotties a drink or two (maybe even three, but who was counting?).
Well, as usual the girls got to talking, doing their nails and generally hanging out.  It became too late for the girls to go home, so I agreed to another sleep over, but only if the went to bed early.  Yes, just call me a mug!
The girls did go early and without any fuss surprisingly.  They all said they were very tired and were going to sleep.  I think they were trying to stay in my good books.  What they didn't know was that I had rigged up a web-cam, to see what they got up to - well, and to check if Alan was slipping in there also!
Ha!  About five minutes after I left the room, they were up and about.  Just look at Little Red slowly pushing back the bed covers.
In fact, they didn't really do anything bad, it was just that Blondie (who has a rather melodious voice), wanted to read them a bedtime story.  Not a book I would have picked.  Judging by the look in Blondie's eyes, I think she is regretting her choice too!
The next morning found Little Red up before the other two (as usual).
Just look at the smile on Little Red's face, you can tell she was up to something.
Little Red woke up Norah, and together they hatched a plan.
Little Red was a little worried about Blondie's reaction, but agreed to go ahead with it.

If this picture gets leaked to the press, there is no way Blondie is going to be able to fulfil her political aspirations.  No, not to sleep with David Cameron (she's done that already), but to stand at a member of parliament for the Conservatives.  Naked pictures are one thing.  Pictures of her naked on the cooker though kinky, are not a deterrent to the Tories and in fact could be beneficial to her chances of being selected, but to have Private Eye draped across your heaving bosoms?  She will never live down the scandal.  I bet Tom & Jerry stop inviting her over for drinks when they see this!

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